Terrible emails from @nest

I never tire of telling people how bad my Nest Protect smoke alarm is. It is a buggy box which requires magic batteries and doesn't support some of its advertised features. Still, I've drilled it on to my ceiling now, so have to put up with it.

This morning, I glanced bleary-eyed at my phone.

a screenshot of a mobile phone displaying a Nest alert


I sniffed the air. I couldn't smell anything strange. Perhaps it is deadly Carbon Monoxide.

I frantically clicked the email to see if I was about to be incinerated or gassed to death.

A marketing email from nest

Oh. It's a marketing email. Nest wants me to buy another of their crappy products.

Now, perhaps I should have been more alert - but when I see an email which says "Nest. Smoke Alarm. Critical. Only if working" my first thought isn't "Golly! I sure could do with a few more smoke alarms!" My first thought, genuinely, was that there was an emergency.

To say that I'm upset with Nest is an understatement. The company has a troubled history with their products and their repeated inability to deliver a competent experience is leading me to junk their smoke alarm.

If you are making domestic IoT devices, remember you are being invited into someone's home. You are a guest and must behave with respect. To send a deliberately sensationalist email in the early morning is a gross breach of trust.

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2 thoughts on “Terrible emails from @nest”

  1. rik says:

    Possibly also worth remembering that security is a thing, and that the world's largest (so far) DDoS attack was generated entirely from IoT devices.

What links here from around this blog?

  1. A hand-drawn iPhone. In the middle is a single button which says "Make Everything Better". The "Make Everything Better" Button
  2. Smoke detector and instruction manual. Blimey! A WiFi smoke alarm for twenty quid!

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