Hello everyone, I agree with gothboyuk, RF is what im trying to get to as well. I have Broadlink RM Pro which controls all my RF plugs andTVs, ACs. I now want to automate my light switches and i am looking for the best option out there which would be compatible with my current automation. Don't know though. IR/RF is old. Automating them is the cheapest solution currently, and the only one that can control my TVs and ACs but light switches are different. I think I would prefer to install wifi light switches and run a secondary smart home solution for those and any other wifi controlled devices, rather than trying to implement everything through RF. What im thinking of trying is this wifi switch https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-Livolo-EU-Standard-Touch-Switch-2-Gang-2-Way-Control-White-Crystal-Glass-Panel/628096105.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.267.1NqmsT I mostly have 3 Gang - 2 Way switches for my house which makes it even harder to find and replace them with wifi ones. Also Broadlink itself has a nice App which does some IFTTT style automation but. a) dont know how well encrypted it is. b) will it ever be compatible with current smart home kids like Samsung Smart Things? Need everybody's thoughts on the matter