WordPress Archive Calendar Widget

One of the most addicting aspects of Open Source software is the ability to scratch one's own itches.

I've been blogging since 2004 - and while I'd never mistake longevity for expertise - I do take a certain pride in letting my readers know that I've spent over a decade bashing out words.

So, I decided to build a simple widget which would display my posting history in a calendar style. And now, it's time to release it to the world!

It's available on GitHub and the official WordPress plugin site.

What It Looks Like

It's a simple WordPress sidebar widget - displaying the archive as a table.

WordPress Archive Calendar Widget-fs8

How It Works

Getting all the months which have published posts within them is pretty simple:

$query = "SELECT YEAR(post_date)  AS `year`,
	 MONTH(post_date) AS `month`,
	 count(ID)	AS `posts`
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish'
GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date)
ORDER BY post_date ASC
LIMIT 256";

It returns each month with an associated year and number of posts - e.g.

    array('year' => '2004','month' =>  '5','posts' => '5'),
    array('year' => '2004','month' =>  '6','posts' => '3'),
    array('year' => '2004','month' =>  '7','posts' => '1'),
    array('year' => '2006','month' =>  '4','posts' => '1'),
    array('year' => '2006','month' => '11','posts' => '1'),
    array('year' => '2007','month' => '11','posts' => '4'),
    array('year' => '2007','month' => '12','posts' => '5'),
    array('year' => '2008','month' =>  '1','posts' => '2'),

It's then just a case of iterating through the array and constructing the tables.

Future Developments

  • Colour Picker - I'm no æsthete, so people may prefer to choose their own colour scheme.
  • Sorting - allowing reverse date order.
  • Font sizes - on a smaller sidebar, the longer month names wrap.
  • Tests - because why not :-)
  • Better CSS - not my strong suit!
  • i18n - some people have the temerity to speak languages other than English. Savages!

The source code is available on GitHub and the official WordPress plugin site.

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2 thoughts on “WordPress Archive Calendar Widget”

  1. says:

    Cool calendar for those who had the presence of mind to use wordpress (or any blogging engine) from earlier on. Feeling bitter that all my pre-2012 posts (dating back to 1998) are not on my current blog. That'd have looked nice & smug. 🙂

    1. Terence Eden says:

      Thanks 🙂 I'll let you into a little secret... I imported most of my old blogs (from blogger and other platforms) into this one!


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