@Edent@mastodon.social @neil@mastodon.neilzone.co.uk @DamonHD@mastodon.social precisely

I was hesitant in fitting mains sockets with USB-A sockets because I thought the physical standard would change, and it did with USB-C, and I think we’re in a sort of period of stability enough to say that USB-C PD would last the lifetime of a house without becoming outmoded (not true of USB-A)

Houses nowadays simply require far more — far more — sockets than they were ever built with, our house is a cheapo starter-home type of house built in the Docklands boom during the 80s, and has the expected one or two single sockets in most rooms and a handful of doubles in the living room, so like most people we have 4-ways into 6-ways tucked all over the place

What all those snaked 4-ways begatting 6-ways inevitably tend to power are low-volt DC things like power bricks, so most people have unwittingly implemented their own hacky “not low-volt-yet” circuit (it’s not like a main, it’s not a ring) and so if there were (say, today) a low-volt circuit in each room with plenty (by which I mean always many sockets left over even if you’re having a party) people would adapt to that immediately – it’d be an instant success

And if the low-volt bus was self-powered that’s all the better, that might become the implicit assumption