Thanks for the feedback, Alex.
The first few paragraphs are there to draw the reader in to equating the failures of Government cost cutting with the failures of private sector cost cutting. Both stem from an ideological desire to reduce expenditure and place the burden of care on lightly managed outsourced parties.
Regarding violence. I said "violently ill people slipped through the cracks." I make no claim that the majority of people with mental health issues are violent. Taking a look at the cases of, say Wayne Hutchinson or Christopher Clunis shows that at lease some people with MH issues are a danger to themselves and others and should be securely treated.
Care In The Community is widely seen as a failure - both for those needing help and the wider public. Indeed, quite often it is the public's negative reaction which is a greater problem than the patient's issues.
Whether it's technical support or MH support - asking a community to provide the best support they can, with little structure, feedback, or training is simply an abdication of responsibility.