YouGov Leaking Clients' Information?
I've always wondered if it's possible to tell who has commissioned a particular survey on YouGov. When you read a question like "Would Boris Johnson make an awesome Prime Minister?" it would be interesting to know whether it's Cameron getting his knickers in a twist, or Milliband sowing the seeds of discord.
One survey I was filling in contained a particularly dull set of questions about mobile phones. One of the survey pages just wouldn't progress, so I took a look at the page's source code.
Right up the top was: static/test_helen_UK304287_Samsung_Tracker/CSSfile
Curious. It looks like this was a survey from Samsung. Of course, it's possible that this is Sony's annual "What do people think of Samsung" survey.
Here's another one from Friends Life:
This time, ASDA wants to know about my shopping habits:
Is this a serious problem? Does it affect your responses if you know who has commissioned a survey? Are their competitive advantages to knowing what people in your industry are asking?
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