Behind those sunglasses I was quivering with fear. Not entirely sure I ever wanted a photo of me with a gun to exist. It scares me.
It's a tough question. I think my response on this occasion might be to say skip it. When I went shooting it was a one on one experience, with someone who understood the power of the guns and was sensitive to my fears. I was a guest, I was being polite and I didn't pay anything.
I think that does make a difference. On the one hand I'm pleased to have had the experience, but it did horrify me. I would worry that if you do this in a place that takes tourists etc they won't necessarily be so understanding and patient with you. You might feel peer pressure to do more than you're comfortable with, or the attitude of the place may be a bit more "shoot the big ones, it's fun!". I don't know, but I just think I wouldn't have been comfortable in a place like that. Even with all the kindness extended to me I can't say I was ever comfortable in the presence of the guns. I turned down the offer of firing the rifles too. Six bullets was more than enough for me.
Of course it's up to you. The experience will be a powerful one I'm sure. I just think that if it were me I might feel a bit disgusted with myself if I were pushed to do more on the basis that everyone there just thought it was "normal". I'm quite happy for guns not to be normal in my life.