More Fresh Wasabi In The UK

A few months ago I reviewed the UK grown wasabi of The Wasabi Company.

The good folk at Kazari saw my review and offered to send some of their wasabi to review. Their Kazari rhizomes are imported from Japan and America, and they're about half the price of The Wasabi Company.

After months of procurement, we successfully diverted a portion of Asia's natural wasabi harvest from Tokyo's sushi bars to the UK. Our customers, including some of Europe's leading sushi chefs, love it. It really is a superior product, less harsh, subtly sweet and infinitely more refreshing than wasabi paste. So next time you buy our sushi online, be sure to try some fresh wasabi!

The sushi came very well packaged in a little thermal vest, with some cold water, and plenty of padding. Perfect for keeping it fresh and tasty.

The Look

There's no doubt, it is a thing of beauty. A green so dark it is almost black, shimmering with promise.

The Taste

The smell wasn't as pungent as the wasabi I'd tried before. It was still strong, but didn't leave my nose feeling like it had been assaulted. The taste was cooler and slightly woodier than the last fresh wasabi. Think of it as the difference between pepeprmint and spearmint.

Spread on some home made sushi it was absolute perfection - a little soy sauce to bring out the flavour and I was in taste heaven.

It really does knock the socks off the luminous green sludge which passes for wasabi in the UK.


The Kazari wasabi is flown in from Japan America (see comment) - which adds considerably to its food miles. The Wasabi Company grow theirs in Dorset, UK. That said, Kazari is considerably cheaper than the UK grown alternative.

Both offer an amazing taste, an experience unlike any other you've had before. Half the fun in making your own food is using the best ingredients you can find, and mixing and matching flavours to suit your palette. In a social setting, having fresh wasabi at the table shows off your gastronomic sensibilities and is a treat for the eyes and nose.

You can buy imported wasabi from Kazari.

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One thought on “More Fresh Wasabi In The UK”

  1. says:

    Thanks for the write up! The root you actually had came from North America. We import from different countries depending on harvest, weather and season ect...although 90% of the time it comes from Asia. Maybe we will send some more in 2013 for you to compare!



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