Did you know that the MBTI is basically a primitive Big Five test? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator#Big_Five It's essentially correlated with all the Big Five traits except for emotional stability. I won't claim that the MBTI is the best tool for the job when it comes to hiring decisions, but how many companies do you believe really are capable of applying the Big Five model correctly? Far easier for them to give the candidate an MBTI and say "INFP? We need INFPs!" or "ISTJ? They won't be successful here." As bad as that is, who's to say that it's worse than the reality that would exist without it? Businesspeople aren't psychologists, nor should they be. Plus, it *has* been shown to be correlated with valid personality traits. That's likely better than the alternative: businesses choosing candidates without any rational method.