As usual, a completely nonsensical post by a programmer. First of all, Twitter is not a software company - it is a media company. Secondly, most users of Twitter do not care whether they are good to developers or not - they want to read what Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber says. On a more serious note, a lot of my friends use Twitter as a source of political news - the kind that is not reported by the mainstream media in the country. And having used Twitter for the last 6 months, I have absolutely no complaints on the ads - they show me at most one or two promoted tweets a day - and if they are not relevant, I ignore them - they do not interfere with my reading at all. Probably 99% of Twitter users are like me - who won't pay a cent to use a Twitter-like service and don't mind the ads. The rest 1% are the programmers - who somehow have a false belief that they are entitled to special treatment - I really hope Twitter bans all apps not endorsed by them and throws out the ever whining developers completely out of the ecosystem.