More *Real* QR Statistics
There was a lot of interest in my recent post about TfL's QR statistics.
Today, I present to you three very different QR codes and their statistics. These are all taken from the Metro newspaper on Tuesday January 10th.
First up is "Wowcher", a big quarter page advert on page 28.
Wowcher's statistics show a consistently good performance with QR codes. Between 30 - 80 scans per day, and 87 yesterday.
Next is a QR code for "Sparks Marathon" tucked away on page 50.
Sad to say, Sparks' statistics are very poor. Just 16 scans. This is the first time this particular QR code has run. I wonder if its location (next to the TV listings, rather than by a news story) has something to do with its poor performance?
Finally, on the bottom of page 63 is a QR code for BlueSquare's iPhone app.
The BlueSquare statistics show a regular scan rate of 10 - 20 per day. Although yesterday they got 28.
It's hard to assess just how successful these codes are. The numbers are low, no doubt about that. As I mentioned in my interview for Econsultancy, a company needs to perform proper A|B testing to see how many calls, email, or website visits they would have got without a QR code.
- These were the only three QR codes in the Metro using - so they are the only ones I can get statistics for.
- I have assumed that each code is unique to the paper it is printed in. That is, the same advert in the Guardian should have a different code.
- There are no handset statistics provided with - unlike
- The statistics have been taken from the day after the adverts were published. The Metro tends to hang around on trains long after the morning rush.
- I have no connection with any of the companies shown here.
If you would like a bespoke QR consultation, contact me.
Marc Settle says: