SMS Spam From PeekabooTV

I've been investigating some rather nasty SMS spam.

SMS Spam

I have finally heard back from Switchfire, the SMS gateway who sent the message.

According to them, the originator of the message was Take a look round that site - it hasn't been updated since 2007, and the Contact page leads to a 404.

A quick wander into the DNS registration produces this rather stale information:

GPRS Solutions LTD
   David Berney
   11 Gower Street
   WC1E 6HB
   phone: +44.8707414151

So, using the utterly brilliant WhoRunsIt I can get their latest information from Companies House.

SW19 5BY
Company No. 05966632

Why! It's exactly the same as our friends at EKASure! And identical to Peek A Boo TV Ltd. And, indeed, identical to a whole web of companies run by Md Shamimul Haque.

All roads seem to lead back to EKASure. I've contacted them for an explanation - but so far none has been forthcoming.

All very curious. With so many different companies, each supplying domains, redirects and services to each other - all registered out of EKASure... it's almost like they're trying to hide something.

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9 thoughts on “SMS Spam From PeekabooTV”

  1. Andy Hards says:

    I've been getting one of these at least once a week it seems. What do you suggest I do with them other than just delete? I'd like to not get them.
  2. Andy Hards says:

    Scratch that, just read the previous post and saw the report abuse etc. Thanks
  3. angela says:

    You are being charged for this are you aware? Check your account. Just had a 30min conversation with O2 telling me they cannot do anything about it as it s a 3rd party company. They can't even stop any of these messages coming through. Call your mobile company they have a list of all the 5 digit numbers and their related Customer Services 0844 numbers. You then need to call Customer Services company and ask them to tell you how your number got added - and then if you have enough evidence it was not you ask O2 to refund you. Each of these companies need to prove that they confirmed they had the correct customer asking for this service. What does my head in - anyone can register your mobile number on a random site like this and you have to prove it was not you. Each text costs 0.83p - even the text to stop this costs you. Good luck, Angela
  4. Andy Hards says:

    I have checked and I haven't been charged with for any of them. I'm with 3, I guess O2 accept this more than other networks.
  5. Kaz Esler says:

    I now have to pay a "Third party" £96 I have contacted the company Switchfire Ltd and have forwarded all e-mails from the company to Companies House for clarification as it is my belief that under section 82 Companies Act 2007 they are in breach of not using E-mail footers and there website registered office conflicts with the one stated by Companies House this can occur a £1000 charge. I would like people who have this type of e-mail to forward it on to Companies House they cannot help you with any complaint you are making but I feel this needs to be brought to their attention.
  6. anonymous says:

    phone this number 0844 445 7924 and ask to be removed or to have a permanent block put on your number so that they no longer text you also in my case I asked how they had got hold of my number in the first place they said through a third party so be careful who you give your number to if ever ????
  7. Charlotte says:

    My son has been receiving these text messages for a while, how do I contact them to stop it, At a cost of £1.50 a time this is getting out of hand!
    1. andy says:

      And contact your provider and het them to block ALL premium rate numbers.

What links here from around this blog?

  1. Dealing with SMS Spam from @PaddyPower

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