These seem very sensible comments indeed. From our brief foray into DIY QR codes at Derby Museum, I'd add the following extra thoughts. As a curator, I'd like a tool that acts like a shopping trolley on a commercial website. i.e I can select the links and QR codes I want, then remove those I no longer require. Having done so, I'd like to be able to drop my selection into a template, ready to print out the set of QR codes, ideally double sided, with the Wikipedia page name on the reverse (so I know what it is should I wish to cut it out) If the template allowed me to add a line of small text below the QR code, I'd be happy just to put "Wikipedia" to indicate the source. Wouldn't that be enough to show users where they are being taken? With an option to add a header of the Wikipedia page name, plus thin lines around the main code and header/footer to act as guidelines for cutting out, I'd be one contented person. For saving my QR codes to file, I'd like my selection to be downloadable to my chosen destination with the filename based on the Wikipedia page name so I don't get them confused. Or am I being a bit too fussy?