Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to when my Kindle arrives this week I cannot really comment but I am suprised about Amazon not support ePub, well never mind there is a workaround bit of a chore as you say but hey. With regards to the power lead I can live with that also, I have a black iPhone with a white lead so a matching pair will look cool 😉 But with the wi-fi and/or 3G is definitely a winner. With regards to size currently I can fit my elonex in my inside pock of my denim jacket which is perfect sometimes even I put in my trouser pocket without it being an issue, now with the Kindle and the case I bought I feel there will be an issue putting in my trouser pocket. As for my demins jacket pocket its a nice size so will have to wait and see otherwise I'll be getting a new bag 🙁 cannot wait to try out the Kindle. Will add other thoughts in due course, but a first glance on your review I think you've pretty much covered it. With regards web browsing, hmm concerned here whats to say Amazon wont start charging when they realise people will use the device as a browser?. I've had an iPhone for 2 years and the iPhone 3G came with unlimited data when using thier data network and 3G but anyone upgrading to iPhone 4 are now capped at 500mb per month. My point is downloading a book wont cost that much as it takes 60 seconds plus your buying a book, but if people start browsing for long period of time then this could work out expensive - maybe I'm missing something or I'm just paranoid lol Regards, Darren