Android App - Vodafone UK USSD Commands

This is a really geeky app! You know USSD? They're the codes you can type in to your phone to send messages back and forth to the networks.  You've probably seen something like *#147# to display the last caller.

My second app presents a series of buttons which call the USSD commands - so you don't have to remember if it's the HLR or VLR which is queried by *#103#.

Useful, I know....

You can download the app by scanning in this QR code.

Android App - Vodafone UK USSD Commands

Android App - Vodafone UK USSD Commands

The majority of these codes only work on phones with a Vodafone UK SIM who are on the Vodafone UK network. I've no idea what the codes do on other networks.

A detailed explanation of the commands is available on Betavine.

Sadly, Android provides no native way to capture or interprate USSD responses. Please star the feature request if you're interested in seeing this in future versions of Android.

One last thing - this app was neither designed nor approved by Vodafone UK. It has nothing to do with them!

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5 thoughts on “Android App - Vodafone UK USSD Commands”

    1. says:

      The code itself is fairly simple,
      String encodedHash = Uri.encode("#");
      String phoneNumber = "*" + encodedHash + "105" + encodedHash;
      startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.CALL",	Uri.parse("tel:" + phoneNumber)));
      Sadly, Android doesn't have a native way of using the USSD response. If you're interested in seeing this in future versions, please star this feature request
  1. Slone says:

    I like more QCode application - it looks nicer. What's more it contains more USSD requests for vodafone and you can adjust it for you by editing XML file if you are not satisfied with default request set for vodafone UK.
  2. Andy says:

    Google Play refuses to let me try this on my Nexus 7. I was hoping for a normal download liink for the apk...
    1. says:

      Hi Andy, Does your Nexus 7 have a SIM card slot? This APK won't work on WiFi only tablets. I'll take a look at the Play Store settings to see if there's any reason it is being blocked. Thanks Terence

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