
If you haven't already heard, I've joined the award winning team at Touchnote ltd.

I was overwhelmed by the support of my friends on Twitter and by the excellent bloggers at Mobile Industry Review and The Really Mobile Project.

Starting a new job is never easy - but you guys have given me wind in my sails.  My first week has just flown by - so thank you all.

As ever, this blog remains personal. Nothing here is approved, checked or pushed on me from my employers.  All opinions and errors are my own and are not those of Touchnote ltd.

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2 thoughts on “Touchnote”

  1. says:

    Congratulations Terence. I wish you well in the new gig. Gotta go -- off to give this Touchnote a try. Best regards, Marc, a regular reader of your blog

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  1. Graphic. A giant hand plucks out a person from a row of identical men in suits. Can Social Media Help You Get A Job?

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