Doctor Who and Mobile Phones
It shouldn't come as a surprise to any reader of this blog that I'm a phone geek. And a Doctor Who geek. So, image my utter nerdgasm when we got to see the 11th Doctor using a mobile he'd nicked. The burning question is which phone?

It's quite hard to see throughout the episode. It just looks like a standard touchscreen device in a rubber casing. I had wondered if the props team had created a dummy phone to be used.

What Phone?
Annoyingly, the phone is almost always out of focus.
Except for this shot.

BlackBerry Storm
Aha! That's the BlackBerry Operating System. That means it can only be a BlackBerry Storm or Storm2!
The Storm2 doesn't have separate buttons on the screen - so this must be an original Storm. The BBC have taken the logo button off the front to prevent accusations of bias or commercial influence, no doubt.
As an aside, look how the Doctor sends the photos - MMS!

Better hope those aliens don't have iPhones!
Alwyn de Bruijn says:
jastrul says: