I don't think you're going to get a full list without enlisting the help of a lot of people, but I think that's do-able. The commission already has a registration website: http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/default.aspx Ordnance Survey provide maps of all wards, but they aren't mashable: http://www.election-maps.co.uk/ Electoral registers (if memory serves - its been years since I looked at one) are divided up in terms of district and each district has its own polling station. The hard copy registers I used to use (most registers are sent out electronically these days but I'd imagine you could extract the same data from them) listed everyone by street name and the postcode. So if you can get hold of the street names and prerequisite postcodes (you wouldn't need the full register), you don't particularly need to do any fancy maths matching the user to their district - you would simply need to check against the list. So I think your first step is to get lots of people to make individual requests to their local EROs asking for: * A list of postal districts and their matching polling stations * A list of postcodes for each postal district. Good news: you could probably make quite a lot of progress relatively quickly. Bad news: you'll inevitably have gaps that you'll struggle to fill.