Hmmm... It's a possibility. Although some of my favourite DVDs have been freebies ("Night of the Living Dead" and "Little Shop of Horrors" being among them).
There's nothing to stop people buying crappy Kung Fu movies from Poundland and getting your copy of Titanic.
But then, some people like crappy Kung-Fu and others hate Titanic.
Additionally, there's nothing to stop you from seeing there's nothing that tickles your fancy and taking back your DVDs.
The point is, you're bringing a DVD that you no longer watch or no longer want to keep. Worst case scenario, you're getting a bit of shelf space back.
But you raise a good point. Perhaps the solution is to say no fewer than 2 DVDs and no more than 5? The best way to ensure quality and diversity is to get a large enough group of people together.
I don't really want to impose a restriction on the types of DVDs people can bring - because how do you judge what's crap or not?