Porn and Social Media #SMCLondon

This was a talk I gave at Social Media Camp London in 2009. In it, I describe my experiences working with user-generated-content, pornography, and other adult material. This was one of my earliest BarCamp talks, and contains several ideas which now seem quite outdated.
I was attempting to warn people about accepting UGC - not only the danger it posed to their sites, but also to their sanity.
The tone is a bit too jokey in places, and some of my ideas around sex, gender, sexuality, and the like are quite naïve.
Terence - 2017

Video originally by Damien Austin-Walker - rehosted by kind permission.

Contemporary Tweets

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What links here from around this blog?

  1. Feminism in London - 2009
  2. Three blonde women. Nudity detection in AI - why diverse data sets matter

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