our day out
Another necropost! I found this proto-blog post in amongst a collection of photos. I don't know the exact date it was written - mid-eighties around Christmas. As you can see, my spelling has slightly improved in the last few years.
on friday we went to the natural histire musem and the first thing we saw was a dipldocos. and we asked someone if the woole maeesth was on dspla but it was not on dspla so we looked at the trisatops and we wathed a film about dinosaws and ther andsitrs in bay one and we fand out some more in bay two three fore and five. then we saw the blue wale and it was joynomis. and i said if the blue wale was smaller then life sive i wood dair think about it. then we saw some alldanre anmels. then we went on the bus to garfunkls. wen we had our big meal and we went to salfrigs and on the thired flor we saw unkle holly. and we folad the yello brik road. with puppet-like figers of oz and the other plople from the wized of oz. then at the end of the road fathead crisms was ther. then we went to look at some toys. then went to crisms street and we saw some think that you put on your teeth and they disappear. and you wash it off and they come bake. then we saw what mummy wood like. and we then got a comic. then we went home on the train.

Dallas Arlington Ohrn says: